Monday 24 June 2024

Rainy Day Drive

Lots of driving, lots of rain, lots of time with friends...

I didn't get away from Smithers quite as soon as I'd planned - the nearest (and only) Starbucks was also the nearest Safeway, and there was only one trainee struggling with a long lineup and too many complicated drinks.  I finally got on the road and headed south-east along a road that was peppered with lakes.

The first stop was Burns Lake where the All-Trails app led me to Loch Lomond - more a pond than a loch! It's a lovely little lake walk - a bit soggy underfoot, and with a lot of standing water and therefore a lot of mosquitos - incentive to walk faster!

Sadly, no beavers to be seen...

all marsh-land between path and lake

A well-marked trail, with interpretive signs
about the local wildlife and habitat

It's walks like this that I most miss my father,
who knew his botany!
One frustrating thing about long drives is listening to the radio, and then losing the signal.  I was blessed with finding a clear signal for about an hour of the drive, and caught CBC Sunday Magazine with Pia Chattopadhyay interviewing Dr Anthony Fauci and then Marie Wilson, one of the TRC Commissioners. Both of them were really interesting and very moving - I need to read Marie Wilson's recent book, North of Nowhere. I lost the signal soon after, and then discovered it again briefly around Fraser Lake for something that was Mahler or Strauss with a wonderful soprano - but I lost it again before it was done.  I just checked the schedule for InConcert, but they've not posted yesterday's playlist yet 😒
The next place I was aiming for was Vanderhoof, but the skies opened and there was no way I was going to walk in that. I moved on to Cluculz Lake, where I texted Marian for instructions.

Marian Lucas Lane is on the admin staff of the Regional Animal Protection Society, but moved to Prince George several years ago, and works remotely from her home. She and I have worked together on various RAPS things, primarily the annual calendar.  So a visit to her was a very pleasant ways of achieving two aims: a visit with a friend, and a chance to discuss photos together.  She lives way out in the country, and I was grateful for GPS!  We had a lovely visit together, and I managed to get my cat fix in (having missed Sunday afternoon with visitors at the Sanctuary.)

From there I headed into Prince George for an evening with Julia and David. Julia was a member of the BCCF Board for years, and served as Secretary before she stepped down. David teaches, and is an artist and collecter - lovely things all around!  We had a delightful quiet evening together with talk and TV. 
Collected pots! and LPs...

I've woken to a morning of sunshine, so I hope yesterday's rainstorms are safely out of the way!

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