Thursday 27 June 2024

Sunshine to Thunderstorms

It's been so lovely to have time with Janette and David. Janette may no longer serve on the Board, but she deeply believes in the work of the BCCF, and continues to offer support to board members; we had no lack of "biz" to discuss. 

David shares a summer morning with the dogs

In bright sunshine, we took off for a visit up to Sun Peaks, with a potential BCCF project in mind. Her little Jeep made easy work of 70-off kilometers to the 1500m elevation. It’s a little Whistler, but is growing all the time: hotels, cafes, shops - and ski-lifts going off in all directions. Janette and I took a walk through the village, which was quite quiet - ski season is well over, of course, but the mountain bikers and the golfers were everywhere.

Looking off the covered bridge 

No ride on a ski lift today!
We sat over coffee and later over lunch and hashed budget issues and practicalities, deciding eventually that it wasn't a project we could take on right now - but that it hadn't been a wasted morning. We'd had a lovely time exploring, and then we took the jeep further up the mountain to see what was happening in the development - some really large houses and more building still happening.  Sadly, it was clouding over, so the view was less stunning than it had been earlier.

There weren't a lot of people to be seen at the upper level - but there was no lack of marmots!

What a great way to spend the morning!

We headed back home with a looming sky promising rain. In the end, the action held off till late afternoon, but produced a colossal thunderstorm before it cleared by early evening.

Janette & David's home

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